Hello? Is Anybody Out There? Hello?

For the third day in a row, my store has done zero dollars. Zilch. Nada. Goose egg. Bupkis.

I am growing slightly concerned…

empty storesThis is NOT my store, or even my block – I have no idea where this storefront exists. But I am worried that our store could soon LOOK like this store. And I don’t quite know why…

Listen, the past few days are “free,” meaning there has been a valid excuse for the lack of business (sub-zero wind chill factors). But honestly? Our entire holiday “season” sucked – it was probably the S-L-O-W-E-S-T Christmas season the store has had in seven Christmas’s… Weird thing? Our store is LOVED by all who enter. Our city media love us. The nation has a growing “Shop Small” mentality. And yet, here we are, suffering the worst Christmas/post-Christmas business slump since we opened in 2007.

I am optimistic for 2014. My business partner and I have some new ideas and a fresh new direction for the store. I think it will be like no other in our city.

Funny thing though… All the people that visit our store (and I do mean visit) all say that very same thing. “There is no other store in CLE like you guys. We love it here!” 

I appreciate the praise, I do. But I hope retail business – and cash flow – picks up. Soon.

cash drawer